Prof. Njoh graduated with a Ph.D. in Planning Studies from the University of London (Bartlett Development Planning Unit, University College London). Prior to earning the Ph.D. (1990), Njoh had completed a Masters of City & Regional Planning (MCRP) from the School of Architecture at the University of Oklahoma (1984), and a Diploma in Civil Engineering Technology from the Advanced School of Public Works in Cameroon (1980). He is currently a Professor of Environmental Science & Policy at the University of South Florida (USF), where he has been since 1994. Before then, he was Transit Planning Manager at the Florida Department of Transportation, Tallahassee, Florida. He was the Pioneer Director of the Urban & Regional Planning Program at USF from 2009 to 2014.
Professor Njoh is the 2010 winner of the coveted prize of ‘Best Paper’ in the International Planning History Society’s flagship journal Planning Perspectives for 2008-2009. The winning paper goes under the title, “Planning as a Tool of Power and Social Control in Africa.” He has written a dozen books, and more than 100 peer-reviewed articles, book chapters, and technical reports. He is an authority on urban public service delivery in Africa, and served as a consultant to the United Nations Centre for Human Settlements on this and related matters. His most recent books include, French Urbanism in Foreign Lands (Springer, 2015) and Urban Planning and Public Health in Africa (Ashgate, 2014). His current focus is on energy policy with emphasis on renewable energy.
Recent Publications:
Implications of institutional frameworks for renewable energy policy administration: Case study of the Esaghem, Cameroon PV solar electrification project. Energy Policy, 128: 17-24 (2019). With Etta, S., Essia, U., Ngyah-Etchutambe, I., Enomah, L.E.D., Tabrey, T. & Tarke, M.O.
Opportunities and challenges to rural renewable energy projects in Africa: Lessons from the Esaghem Village, Cameroon solar electrification project. Renewable Energy 131: 1013 – 1021 (2019) (with S. Etta, I.B. Ngyah-Etchutambe, L.E.D. Enomah, H.T. Tabrey & U. Essia).
Power and social control in settler and exploitation colonies: The experience of New France and French colonial Africa. Journal of Asian and African Studies, 23: 932-951 (2018) (With L. Bigon).
Institutional, economic and socio-cultural factors accounting for gender-based inequalities in land title procurement in Cameroon. Land Use Policy, 78: 116-125 (2018). (Lead Author, with L. Bigon, E.O. Ananga & R. Ayuk-Etang).