Brian Connolly

Chair and Associate Professor

Personal profile


My book, entitled Domestic Intimacies: Incest and the Liberal Subject in Nineteenth-Century America, looks at a series of discourses, including theology, phrenology, the law, anti- and proslavery, and ethnography in order to approach the problem of incest for the autonomous individual of liberalism. I am working on a series of historiographical articles on psychoanalysis and antihumanism. Finally, I am beginning a second book project on the intersection of kinship and religion in liberal, secular modernity, tentatively entitled “Sacred Kinships: The Vicissitudes of Liberal Modernity in the Nineteenth-Century United States.”

I am also a founding editor of the journal History of the Present: A Journal of Critical History, which is published by the University of Illinois Press. For more information about the journal, please visit:

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Education/Academic qualification

Ph.D., Rutgers University

… → 2007

B.A., Rutgers University

… → 1998


  • Arts and Humanities
  • History