Deirdre Cobb-Roberts

Associate Professor

Personal profile


Deirdre Cobb-Roberts, Ph.D. is an Associate Professor of Social Foundations in the Department of Educational and Psychological Studies. She was also a recipient of the McKnight Faculty Fellowship (2003) and the Distinguished Alumni Award-University of Illinois (2011). Her research focuses on historical and contemporary challenges of equity and treatment in American higher education with an emphasis on mentoring, teacher preparation, and social (in)justice in education. She has presented her research at major conferences including the American Educational Research Association, American Educational Studies Association, History of Education Society, and the Critical Race Studies in Education Association. Dr. Cobb-Roberts’ publications include multiple book chapters and articles in the History of Education Quarterly, American Educational Research Journal, Journal of Teacher EducationInternational Journal of Educational Policy, Research and Practice, Educational Considerations, Mentoring & Tutoring: Partnership in Learning and NASPA Journal about Women in Higher Education, amongst others. She has a co-edited book, Schools as Imagined Communities: The Creation of Identity, Meaning and Conflict in U.S. history, and recently co-authored a book on Black Women, Academe, and the Tenure Process in the United States and the Caribbean.

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Education/Academic qualification

PhD, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign


  • Education
  • Social and Philosophical Foundations of Education