Personal profile


Dr. Leon-Boys (PhD, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign) is an Assistant Professor in the Department of Communication at the University of South Florida. Her research and teaching interests are in critical media and cultural studies, Latinx studies, and girlhood studies. Her work focuses on the representation of girls of color in a post-network digital era against the backdrop of contemporary post-feminism and neoliberal frameworks.

Dr. Leon-Boys is a leader and developer of the subfield of Latina girls’ media studies. Her book manuscript in progress combines a critique of postfeminism, intersectional analysis, an exploration of girlhood studies, TV and film studies, theme park ethnographies, advertising and promotional cultural analysis, and ethnic and cultural studies analysis.

Some of her work has appeared in the journals Feministas Unidas, Journal of Children and Media, Girlhood Studies: An Interdisciplinary Journal, and various edited collections such as: Latina/o/x Communication Studies: Theories, Methods, and Practice (2019), Black Mirror and Critical Media Theory (2018), and Teaching, Learning, and Intersecting Identities in Higher Education (2011).

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Education/Academic qualification

Ph.D., University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign


M.A., University of New Mexico


B.A., Southwestern University



  • Communication