Don P. Chambers

Associate Professor of Physical Oceanography

Personal profile


Dr. Chambers specializes in using satellite observations such as radar altimetry and satellite gravimetry to better understand ocean dynamics. Prior to coming to USF, he was a Research Scientist at the Center for Space Research at UT-Austin. His primary research focus is quantifying and understanding sea level variability, especially low frequency fluctuations related to climate change. He in interested in all the dynamical processes that cause sea level change, including ocean circulation, ocean heat storage, ocean mass redistribution, and influx of fresh water from the continents and ice sheets.
Dr. Chambers has been a member of several NASA satellite Science Teams, including TOPEX/Poseidon and Jason-1, and is currently a member of the NASA Ocean Surface Topography and GRACE Science Teams.

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Education/Academic qualification

Ph.D., University of Texas at Austin

… → 1996

B.S., University of Texas at Austin

… → 1990


  • Oceanography and Atmospheric Sciences and Meteorology
  • Oceanography