Jenifer Jasinski Schneider

Professor, Literacy Studies

Personal profile


Jenifer Jasinski Schneider, Ph.D. is a Professor of Literacy Studies in the College of Education at USF. Dr. Schneider's research focuses on children’s composing processes including print-based writing development and multimodal composition in digital and embodied spaces. Specifically, she examines youth filmmaking, drawing, and their creation of visual, print, and performance texts. Underlying her work in composition is a focus on arts-based approaches to literacy education in which aspects of process drama, children’s literature, and digital tools support youth’s symbolic development and meaning-making strategies.

Dr. Schneider is the author of The Inside, Outside, & Upside Downs of Children’s Literature is an open-access, e-textbook that explores critical issues in children’s and young adult literature through extended discourse and integrated digital resources ( She is also the lead author and curator of the Multimodal Data Analysis Collection in the USF Library ( Co-developed with the USF Library Tampa, the collection is an assemblage of products that demonstrate different methodologies for analyzing multimodal texts. This expandable collection of texts and methodologies demonstrates analyses at the interstices of literature, art, communication, theatre, film studies, and education. Her research has been published in key literacy journals including Research in the Teaching of English, the Journal of Adolescent and Adult Literacy, The Reading Teacher, and Language Arts. She has also published her research in Research in Drama Education and the Journal of Teacher Education.

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Education/Academic qualification

Ph.D., The Ohio State University

… → 1996

M.E., University of South Florida

… → 1992

B.S., University of South Florida

… → 1989


  • Teacher Education and Professional Development
  • Language and Literacy Education