Robert H. Weisberg

Distinguished University Professor of Physical Oceanography

Personal profile


Dr. Weisberg is an experimental physical oceanographer engaged in ocean circulation and ocean-atmosphere interaction studies in the tropics, on continental shelves, and in estuaries. His research presently emphasizes the West Florida Continental Shelf (WFS) and the interactions that occur between the shelf and the deep-ocean and between the shelf and the estuaries. Through his Ocean Circulation Group he maintains a coordinated program of real-time, in-situ measurements, analyses, and numerical circulation models aimed at describing and understanding the processes that determine WFS water properties. Applications include harmful algal blooms, fisheries, hurricane storm surge and other topics of societal concern. Observations consist of moorings (some with real time telemetry) for surface meteorology, water column currents and temperature/salinity, and waves; HF-radar for surface currents; profilers and gliders (in collaboration with the CMS-COT) for 3D water properties; analyses of satellite data for SST, SSH, and geostrophic currents; and surface drifters. Models consist of WFS regional applications of ROMS nested in HYCOM (to include WFS/deep-ocean interactions) and FVCOM (to include WFS/estuary interactions) and sub-regional FVCOM applications to individual estuaries. Additional FVCOM applications, making use of the model’s high resolution and flooding/drying capabilities, are for coastal inundation by hurricane storm surge.