Personal profile


Theresa Burress is an Associate Librarian at University of South Florida St. Petersburg (USFSP), providing research & instruction for students and faculty in Biology, Environmental Science, and Geospatial programs and associated Chemistry, Physics, and Mathematics courses. Theresa's research interests explore the intersections between information literacy with digital and data literacies.

At its heart, higher education is a collaborative endeavor that requires librarians and faculty to work with students to pursue a variety of active learning and research opportunities. Research is at the heart of graduate programs across disciplines, and undergraduate research is understood to be a high-impact practice. The ultimate goal of librarians is to challenge and encourage students to attain efficacy in critical thinking and problem solving in their pursuit of knowledge, while gaining crucial metaliteracy skills along the way. Thus, both of these initiatives investigate various facets of data literacy and digital scholarship as they are related to the research process. 

Education/Academic qualification

English Literature, B.A., Florida State University

College of Information Studies, M.L.S., University of Maryland

External positions

Science Librarian, University of South Florida St. Petersburg

Jan 1 2018Jan 1 2020

Humanities Librarian, New College of Florida

Jan 1 2014Jan 1 2018

Part-time Reference Librarian/Adjunct, St. Petersburg College

Jan 1 2005Jan 1 2014

Science Librarian, CNTS, contracted to United States Geological Survey (USGS)

Jan 1 2002Jan 1 2014

Business & Engineering Librarian, Tampa Electric Company

Jan 1 1998Jan 1 2002

Legislative Librarian, Dickstein, Shapiro, Morin & Oshinnksky

Jan 1 1997Jan 1 1998


  • Library and Information Science
  • Information Literacy
  • Scholarly Communication