A significant south-western range extension for the desert mouse (Pseudomys desertor) in Western Australia

R. J. Ellis, P. B.S. Spencer, J. Sean Doody, T. Parkin

Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review


The desert mouse (Pseudomys desertor) is one of the most common and widespread native rodent species across arid and semiarid Australia. The species occurs in a variety of habitats and like many arid-zone rodents, its distribution and abundance is known to fluctuate with environmental conditions. Following the capture of a suspected specimen of P. desertor outside the current known range of the species, we used molecular-based methods to confirm the specimen's identification as P. desertor. This note presents a record of the species north of Dalwallinu, Western Australia, which represents a significant range extension for the species of 324 km from the nearest confirmed record.

Original languageAmerican English
JournalDefault journal
StatePublished - Sep 4 2015


  • conilurine rodent
  • distribution
  • mitochondrial DNA
  • Muridae
  • Pseudomys desertor
  • Western Australia


  • Zoology

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