Addressing the Inevitable Conflicts in Reforming Teacher Education: One Department's Story

James L. Paul, Betty Epanchin, Hilda Rosselli, Brenda L. Townsend Walker, Ann Cranston-Gingras, Daphne D. Thomas, Brenda L. Walker

Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review


Embracing a transformative philosophy of special education teacher education, the Department of Special Education at the University of South Florida has undergone significant change over the past several years. Perspectives on the foundational knowledge for this change and the values guiding its realization are shared in this article. Dilemmas arising from the encounter between traditional practice and emerging views are described, along with approaches aimed at understanding and addressing these conflicts.

Original languageAmerican English
JournalDefault journal
StatePublished - Jan 1 1995


  • Education

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