Adult_Services: A Bibliography and Index

Research output: Book/ReportBook


Intended to update the 1954 benchmark study, "Adult Education Activities in Public Libraries" by Helen Lyman, this 152-page bibliography of adult services literature lists journal articles, books, dissertations, and government documents alphabetically by author, or, if no author is given, by title. The subject index provided is organized alphabetically by author (or title) in each subject category. Among the 88 topics addressed by the citations are access to public libraries, adult education, aging, circulation, citizen information, consumer information, disadvantaged, experiential learning, finance, group services, handicapped, homebound, immigrants, information and referral services, the Library Services and Construction Act, lifelong learning, literacy, minorities, output measures, outreach, parent education, prisoners, programming, public library role, public relations, reference services, standards, state libraries, statistics, and war on poverty. Introductory materials include a list of the members of the Louisiana State University School of Library and Information Science Research Center Annex Consulting Group; a list of the officers of the Reference and Adult Services Division of the American Library Association and the Services to Adults Committee chairs and members during the "Adult Services in the Eighties Project" (ASE); background information on the bibliography; and lists of landmarks and publications of the project. A paper, "ASE Procedures: Bibliography and Review Literature" by Henry D. Nuttall, is appended
Original languageAmerican English
StatePublished - 1990


  • adult services
  • public libraries
  • adult literacy
  • Helen Lyman
  • LSCA


  • Social and Behavioral Sciences

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