Beyond the Basics: Being a Leader is Providing Customized Research Services for Faculty and Students

Susan Ariew, Cheryl McCoy, Marcia Gorin, Gloria Colvin, Matt Torrence

Research output: Contribution to conferencePresentation


Florida State University and University of South Florida have both reorganized their reference departments in order to provide more customized services for undergraduate, graduate, and faculty research. This interactive panel discussion will look at how librarians can play leadership roles at their institutions to create “Beyond the Basics” services that support student and faculty research. Panelists from FSU and USF will engage FLA participants in the audience in discussing the following questions: 1)How can librarians learn more about their faculty and their research? 2)What are ways customized services can be developed to support student and faculty research? 3)What roles can librarians play as leaders to bring library collections/service to the table with researchers? 4)What, if any, type of library organizational structure best supports research? 5) Given the number of electronic resources available in academic libraries today, how important is library as place for faculty members and researchers? 6) What type of new services could library leaders create to support research? 7) What are emergent technologies that support research and how can librarians bring those technologies to researchers? 8) What role can libraries play in promoting or highlighting faculty and student research?
Original languageAmerican English
StatePublished - Apr 2008
EventFlorida Library Association -
Duration: May 6 2009 → …


ConferenceFlorida Library Association
Period5/6/09 → …


  • Library and Information Science

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