Connecting Quantitative Literacy and Geology

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"Students develop specific skills and habits of the mind as they learn to analyze quantitative information in a literate, reasoned, and problem-solving way. Such skills are essential if people are to be able to meet the mathematical demands of their lives and to deal with quantitative and mathematical concepts during their years in school. Many education organizations, recognizing the importance of these skills and habits of mind, have developed curricula, programs, and metrics focusing on what the American Association of Colleges and Universities (AAC&U, 2007) calls "quantitative literacy" (Vacher, 2011). In its Liberal Education & America's Promise vision statement, AACU lists quantitative literacy as one of its Essential Learning Outcomes. Earlier reports, including the influential "Crowther Report" (Ministry of Education, 1959) also pointed out the importance of quantitative literacy and referred to it as 'numeracy.'"

Original languageAmerican English
JournalIn the Trenches
StatePublished - Apr 1 2012


  • Earth Sciences

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