Coping with Hobgoblins: Rethinking Journals Processing in the E-Journals Environment at the University of South Florida

Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review


Many libraries grapple with how to develop new skills for processing electronic journals, while still handling the print format as well. Journals in a print format have always been complex, and adding the electronic component has made them more so. Few libraries are adding staff to handle this workload. The University of South Florida Tampa Library has tried a number of workflow changes--not always successfully--to handle this transition. This paper will explore these changes, explaining why some were not successful and why others have resulted in efficiencies, and concludes with lessons learned that could benefit others.

Original languageAmerican English
JournalSerials Review
StatePublished - Jun 2011


  • processing electronic journals
  • library reorganization
  • library skill sets


  • Library and Information Science

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