CORAL: USF Libraries Digital Collections Prospectus

Mark I. Greenberg, Barbara I. Lewis, Richard R. Bernardy, Jr.

Research output: Working paperPreprint


This prospectus seeks to explain why the University of South Florida Libraries Special & Digital Collections Department (SDC) decided during the summer of 2009 to leave DigiTool and build a new digital asset management system (DAMS). It explains what SDC holds most important in a new DAMS and how its new DAMS (CORAL) was built. It discuss CORAL’s strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats and lays the intellectual framework for possible presentations and publications regarding CORAL.
Original languageAmerican English
StatePublished - Jan 2010


  • Fedora Commons
  • Flash player
  • LibGuides
  • digital content management system


  • Library and Information Science

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