Digital Scholarship at USFSP: Results from the NPML Goal 1 Committee Report

Gary Austin, Theresa G Burress, Alexandra Curran, Berrie Watson, Otis Wilder, Kaya van Beynen

Research output: Other contribution


This report presents the results from the NPML’s Strategic Goal 1 Committee’s environmental scan of faculty-led digital scholarship activities at USFSP. Initial exploration of this topic began late in the 2017/18 year, while a more systematic environmental scan with semi-structured interviews of USFSP faculty occurred in the Fall 2018 semester. The following themes emerged:

● Faculty continue to collaborate with their previous R1 university

● Their purposes for conducting DS projects are both immediate and practical as well as long term and ideological

● Research and instruction are intimately linked

● DS is used for Instruction

● Students play a role

● Faculty experience multiple challenges: Internal and End User

● Faculty need for additional support in some areas

● Faculty need support/knowledge regarding project maintenance and sustainability

Using these results, the NPML Goal 1 committee developed a series of recommendations pertaining to: 1) Marketing, 2) Software 3) Supporting Research, 4) Instruction, and 5) Digital USFSP

Original languageAmerican English
StatePublished - Feb 6 2019

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