emWunderkammer/em: the Performance Showcase as Critical Performative Pedagogy

Aubrey Huber, Chris McRae

Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review


The performance showcase is a rich opportunity to employ critical performative pedagogy as an embodied engagement with, interrogation of, and disruption to institutional and ideological structures and practices. Wunderkammer (cabinet of curiosities): A Performance Showcase radically actualizes critical performative pedagogy by attending to, collecting, and curating the embodied labor of the performance classroom and curriculum. We include a descriptive account of Wunderkammer that invites you, the reader, to imagine and experience a version of the showcase, and that emphasizes our process and choices as curators.

Original languageAmerican English
JournalText and Performance Quarterly
StatePublished - Jan 1 2019


  • Wunderkammer
  • cabinet of curiosities
  • performance showcase
  • wonder
  • critical performative pedagogy

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