Energetic Plasticity Underlies a Variable Response to Ocean Acidification in the Pteropod, Limacina Helicina Antarctica

Brad A. Seibel, Amy E. Maas, Heidi M. Dierssen

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<p> Ocean acidification, caused by elevated seawater carbon dioxide levels, may have a deleterious impact on energetic processes in animals. Here we show that high PCO <sub> 2 </sub> can suppress metabolism, measured as oxygen consumption, in the pteropod, <em> L. helicina forma antarctica </em> , by &sim;20%. The rates measured at 180&ndash;380 &micro;atm (MO <sub> 2 </sub> &hairsp;=&hairsp;1.25 M <sup> &minus;0.25 </sup> , p&hairsp;=&hairsp;0.007) were significantly higher (ANCOVA, p &hairsp;=&hairsp; 0.004) than those measured at elevated target CO <sub> 2 </sub> levels in 2007 (789&ndash;1000 &micro;atm, &hairsp;=&hairsp; 0.78 M <sup> &minus;0.32 </sup> , p &hairsp;=&hairsp; 0.0008; <a> Fig. 1 </a> ). However, we further demonstrate metabolic plasticity in response to regional phytoplankton concentration and that the response to CO <sub> 2 </sub> is dependent on the baseline level of metabolism. We hypothesize that reduced regional Chl <em> a </em> levels in 2008 suppressed metabolism and masked the effect of ocean acidification. This effect of food limitation was not, we postulate, merely a result of gut clearance and specific dynamic action, but rather represents a sustained metabolic response to regional conditions. Thus, pteropod populations may be compromised by climate change, both directly via CO <sub> 2 </sub> -induced metabolic suppression, and indirectly via quantitative and qualitative changes to the phytoplankton community. Without the context provided by long-term observations (four seasons) and a multi-faceted laboratory analysis of the parameters affecting energetics, the complex response of polar pteropods to ocean acidification may be masked or misinterpreted.</p>
Original languageAmerican English
JournalPLOS One
StatePublished - Jan 1 2012
Externally publishedYes


  • Life Sciences

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