Extending Enterprise Application Integration (Eai) with Mobile and Web Services Technologies

Abbass Ghanbary, Bhuvan Unhelkar

Research output: Chapter in Book/Report/Conference proceedingChapter


Web Services (WS) technologies, generally built around the ubiquitous Extensible Markup Language (XML), have provided many opportunities for integrating enterprise applications. However, XML/Simple Object Access Protocol (SOAP), together with Web Services Definition Language (WSDL) and Universal Description Discovery and Integration (UDDI), form a comprehensive suite of WS technologies that have the potential to transcend beyond mere application integration within an organization, and to provide capabilities of integrating processes across multiple organizations. Currently, the WS paradigm is driven through parameters however; the paradigm shift that can result in true collaborative business requires us to consider the business paradigm in terms of policies-processes-standards. This chapter, based on experimental research carried out by the authors, demonstrates how the technologies of WS open up the doors to collaborative Enterprise Architecture Integration (EAI) and Service Oriented Architecture (SOA) resulting in Business Integration (BI). The chapter also provide a quantitative investigation based on organization's adaptation to mobile and Web Services technologies.

Original languageAmerican English
Title of host publicationServices and Business Computing Solutions with XML: Applications for Quality Management and Best Processes
StatePublished - Dec 1 2009
Externally publishedYes

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