Feedback specificity, information processing, and transfer of training.

Jodi S. Goodman, Robert E. Wood, Zheng Chen

Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review


This study examines the effects of feedback specificity on transfer of training and the mechanisms through which feedback can enhance or inhibit transfer. We used concurrent verbal protocol methodology to elicit and operationalize the explicit information processing activities used by 48 trainees performing the Furniture Factory computer simulation. We hypothesized and found support for a moderated mediation model. Increasing feedback specificity influenced the exposure trainees had to different task conditions and negatively affected their levels of explicit information processing. In turn, explicit information processes and levels of exposure to different task conditions interacted to impact transfer of training. Those who received less specific feedback relied more heavily on explicit information processing and had more exposure to the challenging aspects of the task than those who received more specific feedback, which differentially affected what they learned about the task. We discuss how feedback specificity and exposure to different task conditions may prime different learning processes.

Original languageAmerican English
JournalDefault journal
StatePublished - Jan 1 2011


  • Feedback
  • Training
  • Learning
  • Transfer
  • Transfer of training
  • Information processing
  • Learning processes


  • Business

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