Field Tests of Seasat Bathymetric Detections

B. Keating, N. Z. Cherkis, P. W. Fell, D. Handschmacher, R. N. Hey, A. Lazarewicz, D. F. Naar, R. K. Perry, D. Sandwell, D. C. Schwank, P. Vogt, B. Zondek

Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review


Knowledge of the locations and sizes of seamounts is of great importance in applications such as inertial navigation and ocean mining. The quality and density of bathymetry data in the equatorial regions and the southern hemisphere are, unifortunately, highly variable. Our present knowledge of bathymetry, and in particular of seamount locations and characteristics, is based upon ship surveys, which are both time-consuming and expensive. It is likely that a significant number of uncharted seamounts exist throughout the oceans, and remote-sensing techniques may be the most effective means of locating them.

Original languageAmerican English
JournalMarine Geophysical Researches
StatePublished - Jan 1 1984
Externally publishedYes


  • Field Test
  • Southern Hemisphere
  • Equatorial Region
  • Present Knowledge
  • Offshore Engineer


  • Life Sciences

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