Getting Ready to Publish

Ardis Hanson, Claudia J. Dold

Research output: Working paperPreprint


In the world of academia, also known as ‘publish or perish,’ it is incumbent upon you to not only write manuscripts that will be accepted for publication but also to shop around for the RIGHT peer-reviewed journal to submit and, hopefully, publish your article. To do this you need two basic types of information. The first type is what happens in the peer review process. Not only are you, the author, invested in the process, but editors and reviewers will both be commenting and critiquing your manuscript. The second type is determining which journal is right for your manuscript. Impact factors, audience, and more go into that decision. We start this video with a brief review of the peer review process, then move on to how best to review a journal for publication using the web and the resources available here at the USF libraries.
Original languageAmerican English
StatePublished - 2010


  • Health Communication
  • Health Policy
  • Health Services Research
  • Library and Information Science
  • Mental and Social Health
  • Organizational Communication
  • Public Health

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