HIV disclosure in pediatric populations: Who, what, when to tell, and then what.

Stephanie L Marhefka, DeAnne E Turner, Tiffany Chenneville

Research output: Chapter in Book/Report/Conference proceedingChapter


Within pediatric populations, HIV disclosure has important implications for care and treatment. This chapter outlines key findings regarding the child and caregiver characteristics affecting HIV disclosure in pediatric populations, including disclosure of parental HIV status to a child, disclosure of child HIV status to that child, and child self-disclosure to others. Readers will learn about patterns and correlates of disclosure, outcomes of disclosure, evidence-based and promising approaches to support disclosure, as well as related guidelines and recommendations.

Original languageAmerican English
Title of host publicationHIV disclosure in pediatric populations: Who, what, when to tell, and then what.
StatePublished - Jan 1 2017


  • HIV, AIDS, Youth, Pediatric, Self-Disclosure, Parental Disclosure


  • Child Psychology
  • Health Psychology
  • Psychology

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