In Their Words: Classifying Organizational Reliability from Employee Speech

Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review


The need for reliability is critical in certain organizations where technology failures lead to catastrophic loss of life or damage to the environment. Many other organizations may also be reliability-seeking. Each business discipline has its own language and we propose that these business languages incorporate specific vocabulary that represents their organizational culture and business goals. The way employees speak about their jobs should reflect this business and business culture language. Examining the ways employees speak about their jobs may offer insights into the business culture and goals of an organization. A heuristic text analytic classification method called STAR’ is developed to predict an organization’s culture with respect to reliability based on employee interviews.

Original languageAmerican English
JournalInternational Journal of Business Environment (IJBE)
StatePublished - Jan 1 2017


  • high-reliability organisations
  • HRO
  • reliability
  • text mining
  • text analytics
  • classification
  • operational reliability
  • STAR'
  • high impact failure
  • efficiency


  • Business Administration, Management, and Operations
  • Performance Management

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