Intertidal mangrove mudflat 240+239Pu signatures, confirming a 210Pb geochronology on the southeastern coast of Brazil.

Christian J. Sanders, Joseph M. Smoak, Matthew N. Waters, Sambasiva R. Patchineelam, Michael Ketterer

Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review


A sediment core was taken to determine if sediment accumulation rates could be conducted using 240+239Pu signatures in the coastal mangrove mudflats of southeastern Brazil. The results from this study show that 240+239Pu fallout activities are sufficient and well preserved in the coastal sediments of this region. Sediment accumulation rates determined from the 240+239Pu signatures were 4.4 mm/year and 4.1 from 210Pb (CIC) method. A sediment mixing coefficient rate was calculated using chlorophyll-α profile (9.5 cm2).

Original languageAmerican English
JournalDefault journal
StatePublished - Jan 1 2010


  • (240+239)Pu
  • (210)Pb
  • (226)Ra
  • Brazil


  • Environmental Sciences
  • Geology

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