Language and literacy of pre-adolescent/adolescent bilingual students: Current Research

Research output: Contribution to conferencePresentation


It is well documented that pre-adolescent and adolescent English learners (ELs) are at-risk for reading difficulties (Escamilla, Chavez, & Vigil, 2005; Lopez, 2009; Hemphill, Vanneman & Rahman, 2011; Snow, Burns & Griffin, 1998; Waxman, Padrón, Shin, & Rivera, 2008). Kohler and Lazarín (2007) stated, nationally only 29% of EL 8th grade students scored at or above the basic reading achievement levels. In comparison, nationally the non-EL 8th grade students scored at 75% at or above the basic reading achievement levels. In addition, the achievement gap among English learning (EL) students has existed and continues to exist. Unfortunately, this gap widens each year (Alexander, Entwisle, & Olson, 2007). EL students are capable of closing the academic achievement gap during the school year with concerted school efforts (e.g., involving speech-language pathologists, ESOL/ESL teachers, special education teachers, and/or general education classroom teachers, and school principals), but ultimately regress and fall behind (Ortiz, 2007). Assessment and intervention of reading and literacy for bilingual students is often a challenge for speech-language pathologists. This presentation will help clarify some of the ambiguities of assessment and intervention regarding bilingual literacy for pre-adolescent and adolescent students. Specifically, this presentation will: (a) identify typical and atypical language and learning characteristics of bilingual students; (b) identify major components of reading and literacy; (c) identify major components of English reading and literacy and Spanish reading and literacy; and, (d) identify evidence based strategies to promote speech, language, and literacy development with bilingual students with and without disabilities.

Original languageAmerican English
StatePublished - Jan 1 2013


  • Bilingual
  • Speech-language pathology
  • Language and literacy
  • Adolescent students
  • Research


  • Education

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