Managing expert knowledge to assist in the management of coffee pests and diseases in Jamaica.

Gunjan Mansingh, Kweku-Muata Osei-Bryson, Han Reichgelt, Johannes (Han) Reichgelt

Research output: Chapter in Book/Report/Conference proceedingChapter


The recent focus on knowledge-based economies brings to the forefront the importance of knowledge in developing nations. The capability to harness and manage knowledge has become essential and the Knowledge Management community has been developing technologies and applications to aid this process. Sustainable agriculture and environmental concerns have led to the emergence of the Integrated Management of Pest and Pesticides as a new way to deal with pests and pesticides in agriculture. In this chapter we present the architecture of an expert system CPEST and identify the knowledge types that are necessary to build such systems. CPEST incorporates different types of knowledge, i.e. the know-with, the know-how, know-when, know-about which exists in multiple experts and data sources to assist with the decision making process. The system is evaluated for its accuracy, ease of use, and effectiveness of its recommendations in the promotion of practices less damaging to the environment.

Original languageAmerican English
Title of host publicationManaging expert knowledge to assist in the management of coffee pests and diseases in Jamaica.
StatePublished - Jan 1 2014


  • Expert systems
  • Knowledge base systems
  • Knowledge types
  • Coffee pests
  • Coffee diseases
  • Developing countries
  • Agriculture


  • Business

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