Mantle Dynamics Beneath the Discrete and Diffuse Plate Boundaries of the Juan de Fuca Plate: Results from Cascadia Initiative Body Wave Tomography

Joseph S. Byrnes, Douglas R. Toomey, Emilie E. E. Hooft, John Nábělek, Jochen Braunmiller

Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review


<p> We use the delay times of teleseismic <em> S </em> phases recorded by ocean bottom seismometers during the plate&hyphen;scale Cascadia Initiative community experiment to constrain the heterogeneity of seismic velocity structure beneath young oceanic lithosphere. Our study area covers the entire Juan de Fuca (JdF) and Gorda plates, from their creation at the JdF and Gorda Ridges to their subduction beneath the North American continent, and the entire length of the Blanco transform fault. The range of the observed <em> Vs </em> anomalies requires variations in the melt fraction of the asthenosphere. The data require that low <em> Vs </em> anomalies extend to depths of at least 200 km, which is within the carbonatite melting regime. In the upper 200 km of the mantle, <em> Vs </em> increases rapidly to the east of the JdF Ridge, while there is no clear relationship with the age of the lithosphere in the Gorda region. The distribution of melt is asymmetric about both the JdF and Gorda Ridges. Dynamic upwelling &ndash; due to the buoyancy of the mantle &ndash; and accompanying downwelling can explain the rapid decrease in melt fraction to the east of the JdF Ridge, the asymmetry about the JdF Ridge, and the sinuous pattern of upwelling near the Blanco transform fault. Finally, mantle flow beneath the diffuse Gorda and Explorer plate boundaries is distinct from that beneath the discrete plate boundary of the JdF Ridge. In particular, shear between the Pacific and JdF plates appears to dominate mantle deformation over seafloor spreading beneath the Gorda Ridge.</p>
Original languageAmerican English
JournalGeochemistry, Geophysics, Geosystems
StatePublished - Aug 1 2017


  • mid‐ocean ridges
  • dynamic upwelling
  • tomography
  • Juan de Fuca
  • Gorda
  • asthenosphere


  • Earth Sciences

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