Meaning of Reading: Fiction and Public Libraries.

Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review


With the widespread advent of access to digital collections via schools, universities, public libraries, and home computers there sometimes comes a sense of a perceived dichotomy between ''real'' reading which involves the codex book, and ''virtual'' reading which takes place on a video display terminal. Reading, both basic literacy and recreational reading for experienced readers, is a significant aspect of librarians' roles and of the public's perception of the library's role. Therefore, the act of reading and the role of reading in people's lives is a topic that warrants study and reflection.
Original languageAmerican English
JournalAcquisitions Librarian
StatePublished - 2001


  • reading
  • fiction
  • public libraries
  • Earl Shorris
  • readers' advisory services
  • Novelist


  • Social and Behavioral Sciences

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