Metabolic Suppression in the Pelagic Crab, emPleuroncodes planipes/em, in Oxygen Minimum Zones

Brad A. Seibel, Bryan E. Luu, Shannon N. Tessier, Trisha Towanda, Kenneth B. Storey

Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review


<p> <p id="x-x-sp0050"> The pelagic red crab, <em> Pleuroncodes planipes </em> , is abundant throughout the Eastern Tropical Pacific in both benthic and pelagic environments to depths of several hundred meters. The oxygen minimum zones in this region reaches oxygen levels as low as 0.1 kPa at depths within the crabs vertical range. Crabs maintain <a title="Learn more about aerobic metabolism from ScienceDirect's AI-generated Topic Pages"> aerobic metabolism </a> to a critical PO <sub> 2 </sub> of ~ 0.27 &plusmn; 0.2 kPa (10 &deg;C), in part by increasing ventilation as oxygen declines. At subcritical oxygen levels, they enhance anaerobic ATP production slightly as indicated by modest increases in lactate levels. However, hypoxia tolerance is primarily mediated via a pronounced suppression of aerobic metabolism (~ 70%). Metabolic suppression is achieved, primarily, via reduced <a title="Learn more about protein synthesis from ScienceDirect's AI-generated Topic Pages"> protein synthesis </a> , which is a major sink for metabolic energy. <a title="Learn more about Posttranslational modifications from ScienceDirect's AI-generated Topic Pages"> Posttranslational modifications </a> on <a title="Learn more about histone H3 from ScienceDirect's AI-generated Topic Pages"> histone H3 </a> suggest a condensed chromatin state and, hence, decreased transcription. Under hypoxia, p-H3S10, Ac-H3K9, Ac-H3K14 were 39, 68, and 36% of control values, respectively. We also report a net decrease in <a title="Learn more about protein translation from ScienceDirect's AI-generated Topic Pages"> protein translation </a> . In particular, eEF2 activity is reduced due to a ~ 5-fold increase in inhibitory phosphorylation and a significant decrease in protein level. Elevated <a title="Learn more about heat shock proteins from ScienceDirect's AI-generated Topic Pages"> heat shock proteins </a> suggest that, despite impressive tolerance, the <a title="Learn more about cellular stress response from ScienceDirect's AI-generated Topic Pages"> cellular stress response </a> is triggered during hypoxia. We discuss the implications for pelagic ecology and biogeochemical cycles. </p></p>


  • Protein synthesis
  • Hypoxia
  • Zooplankton
  • Hypometabolism
  • Vertical migration


  • Life Sciences

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