Micro- and Macrodiversity in rbcL Sequences in Ambient Phytoplankton Populations from the Southeastern Gulf of Mexico

John H. Paul, Albin Alfreider, Boris Wawrik

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Ribulose-1,5-diphosphate carboxylase/oxygenase (RuBisCO) large subunit genes ( rbcL ) were obtained by amplification and cloning of 554 or 614 bp sequences of indigenous phytoplankton populations at 2 stations in the southeastern Gulf of Mexico. One station (Stn 4) was located in a low salinity, high chlorophyll plume (the ŒGreen River¹) which has previously been shown to contain elevated levels of Form IA rbcL mRNA while the other (Stn 7) was in oligotrophic, oceanic water. A diversity of rbcL sequences was obtained, spanning 3 of the 4 evolutionary clades of Form I RuBisCOs. Six nucleotide sequences obtained from Stn 4 were closely related (92 to 96% similar) to the Form IA-containing Prochlorococcus GP2. Flow cytometry and pigment analysis indicated that Prochlorococcus was abundant at this site. Other sequences found included a Form IB rbcL closely related to prasinophytes, and Form ID sequences related to prymnesiophytes, diatoms, and pelagophytes. One sequence was nearly identical to the pelagophyte, Pelagomonas calceolata . At Stn 7, sequences were obtained that were more deeply rooted, and less similar to rbcL s in existing databases (77 to 83% similar), and no Form IA rbcL s were detected. HPLC pigment signatures and flow cytometry data were consistent with the forms obtained by cloning. The similarity of the 6 Prochlorococcus GP2-like sequences (93 to 98%) is consistent with the phenomenon of molecular microdiversity as found at other loci in marine (and other environmental) microorganisms.

Original languageAmerican English
JournalMarine Ecology Progress Series
StatePublished - Jan 1 2000


  • rbcL gene sequences
  • phylogeny
  • Prochlorococcus GP-2


  • Life Sciences
  • Marine Biology

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