Mobile Bodies - Re-Imagining Design through a Dance Lens Journal of Technology and Innovation.pdf

Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review


This article delves into the ways in which dance practice revises traditional approaches to assistivetechnology design, adding a productive dimension to current momentum in the designfield at large. Based upon research with dancers who have disabilities that was approved by anInstitutional Review Board, as well as practice-based research, the author examines the art ofdance as a catalyst for reframing design thinking for assistive technology. Specifically, attentionis drawn to the interpersonal and embodied facets of assistive technology. This research-basedanalysis expands the creative landscape in design thinking through attending to the disableddancing body while carving an innovative space for dialogic intersections between the fieldsof dance, disability, and assistive technology design.
Original languageAmerican English
JournalTechnology and Innovation
StatePublished - Oct 2019


  • Design; Assistive technology; Dance; Disability; Innovation


  • Arts and Humanities
  • Art and Design
  • Technology and Innovation
  • Engineering

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