Multivariate Analysis of Factors Influencing Pedestrian and Bicycle Safety

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Florida has the highest pedestrian fatality rate per 100K population for the last 5 years in the U.S. The rates are almost double the national average, with 2.57 in 2011, 2.58 in 2010, 2.50 in 2009 and 2.64 in 2008 for the last available year data. In response, the Florida Department of Transportation placed significant focus to increase pedestrian safety and decrease fatalities. Among other efforts, a pedestrian educational campaign was launched in order to increase awareness of the pedestrian safety problem and awareness of the traffic laws that involve pedestrians and bicyclists. It was identified that both groups - pedestrians and drivers- are responsible for the crashes, and thus awareness of the problem had to be brought to their attention. Observations of pedestrians and bicyclists on the roads of the six highest fatality counties in Florida were collected. Site characteristics, user behavior and demographics were incorporated into a multinomial logistic regression model to identify which factors influence pedestrian and bicycle behavior. The model showed statistical significant goodness of fit measures. The model shows the correlation between the dependent variable of crossing on a crosswalk during green or red time, vs. not crossing on the crosswalk and site characteristics (intersection size, presence of sidewalks and crosswalks, t-intersection), as well as demographics (age, gender, race, ped/bike) and other behavior (distraction).

Original languageAmerican English
JournalTransportation Research Board 93rd Annual Meeting, Compendium of Papers DVD
StatePublished - Nov 1 2013

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