Oral Narrative Genres as Dialogic Resources for Classroom Literature Study: A Contextualized Case Study of Conversational Narrative Discussion

Mary M Juzwik, Martin Nystrand, Sean Kelly, Michael Sherry

Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review


Five questions guided a case study exploring the relationship between oral narrative and discussion in middle school literature study: (a) Relative to similar classrooms in a large-scale study, how can overall literature instruction be characterized? (b) Relative to similar classrooms in a large-scale study, how well do students achieve in the focal classroom? (c) What, if any, are the links between oral narrative and discussion? (d) If discussion and narrative co-occur, what sorts of oral narratives do narrators tell in discussions? and (e) If discussion and narrative co-occur, how can we characterize the overlap in terms of interaction? In the frequent conversational narrative discussions, where oral narrative and discussion discourse overlapped, teacher and students used various kinds of oral narrative genres to prime, sustain, ratify, and amplify discussion.

Original languageAmerican English
JournalAmerican Educational Research Journal
StatePublished - Dec 1 2008
Externally publishedYes


  • narrative
  • genre
  • literature
  • literacy
  • discussion
  • dialogic instruction


  • Education

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