Personality Type Effects on Perceptions of Online Credit Card Payment Services

Steven Walczak, Gary L Borkan

Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review


Credit cards and the subsequent payment of credit card debt play a crucial role in e-commerce transactions.
While website design effects on trust and e-commerce have been studied, these are usually coarse grained models. A more individualized approach to utilization of online credit card payment services is examined that utilizes personality as measured by the Myers-Briggs personality type assessment to determine variances in perception of online payment service features. The results indicate that certain overriding principles appear to be largely universal, namely security and efficiency (or timeliness) of the payment system. However there are differences in the perceived benefit of these features and other features between personality types, which may be capitalized upon by payment service providers to attract a broader base of consumers and maintain continuance of existing users.
Original languageAmerican English
JournalJournal of Theoretical and Applied Electronic Commerce Research
StatePublished - Jan 2016


  • Credit - card
  • Electronic commerce
  • Myers - Briggs
  • Payment portals
  • Personality
  • Portal features


  • E-Commerce

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