Pottery uniformity in a stratified society: An ethnoarchaeological perspective from the Gamo of southwest Ethiopia.

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Previous research has shown that there are many factors, such as vessel type, size, and function, producer skill, and market systems, that can influence pottery standardization/uniformity. In this paper, I use ethnoarchaeology to explore how the social and economic organization of the Gamo living in southwestern Ethiopia affects uniformity of pottery form and decoration. I compare uniformity at the community level to test our assumptions regarding potter specialization associated with potters who are full-time craft specialists living in a complex and highly stratified, caste society. In conclusion, I argue that distribution (i.e., market and patron-client) impacts the uniformity of pottery morphology and decoration.

Original languageAmerican English
JournalDefault journal
StatePublished - Jan 1 2014


  • Ethnoarchaeology
  • Ethiopia
  • Gamo
  • Pottery
  • Standardization
  • Uniformity
  • Specialization
  • Caste


  • Anthropology
  • Social and Behavioral Sciences

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