Recent sediment accumulation in a mangrove forest and its relevance to local sea-level rise (Ilha Grande, Brazil).

Christian J. Sanders, Joseph M. Smoak, A. Sathy Naidu, Sambasiva R. Patchineelam

Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review


An accumulation rate in a well-developed mangrove forest has been associated with relative sea-level rise on an island off the coast of Rio de Janeiro State. This rate was calculated by 210Pb dating models from a single sediment core. Results indicate an accumulation rate of approximately 1.7 mm/y for the past approximately 100 years. This rate is almost identical to the ongoing eustatic mean rise in global sea level, indicating a tectonically stable mangrove habitat. Organic C (OC), total N, δ13C(OC), and δ15N values from selected core intervals suggest a constant source of accumulating vegetal debris, dominated by C3-type vegetation with insignificant input of marine-derived organic matter, and a stable subaerial mangal habitat.

Original languageAmerican English
JournalDefault journal
StatePublished - Jan 1 2008


  • (210)Pb geochronology
  • OC
  • TN
  • δ15N
  • δ13C(OC)


  • Environmental Sciences
  • Geology

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