Recovery Orientation of Treatment, Consumer Empowerment, and Satisfaction with Services: A Mediational Model

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Objective: This study explores the relationship between the recovery orientation of treatment and subjective experiences of consumer empowerment and satisfaction with services for individuals with severe and persistent mental illness. Methods: Instruments measuring perceptions of empowerment, recovery orientation of treatment, and satisfaction with services were administered to 45 participants enrolled in two demographically similar mental health treatment programs in Tampa, Florida—a community mental health center and an Assertive Community Treatment team. Analyses were conducted according to traditional mediation models. Empowerment was expected to mediate the relationship between the recovery orientation of treatment and consumer satisfaction with services. Results: A recovery-based treatment orientation significantly predicted both consumer empowerment and satisfaction with services. Empowerment mediated the relationship between treatment orientation and consumer satisfaction. Conclusions: These preliminary findings highlight the impact of the recovery orientation of treatment on empowerment and satisfaction with services among individuals with severe and persistent mental illness.

Original languageAmerican English
JournalPsychiatric Rehabilitation Journal
StatePublished - Jan 1 2010


  • recovery orientation
  • treatment
  • consumer empowerment
  • service satisfaction
  • mediatorial models
  • mental illness


  • Health Law and Policy
  • Mental Disorders

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