Research Diving on Remote Shoals of the Nicaraguan Rise, Southwest Caribbean

Pamela Hallock, Walter C. Jaap, Albert C. Hine, Pamela Hallock Muller

Research output: Other contribution


As apart of a study investigating the sedimentology and morphologies of carbonate platforms of the Nicaraguan Rise, a dive team carried out photographic and video-recorded observations of the benthos and sediments at selected sites on Se"anilla and Pedro Banks during March andApril 198Z Divers were deployed from the research vessel RIV Cape Hatteras to an inflatable chase boat. Diver observations ofpoorly developed reefs on Pedro Bankand the lack ofreefdevelopment on the windward margin of Se"anilla Bank were instrumental in understanding sedimentologic patternsfound using seismicprofiling, grab sampling and dredging

Original languageAmerican English
StatePublished - Jan 1 1990


  • Life Sciences

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