SEA-COOS: A Model for a Multi-State, Multi-Institutional Regional Observation System

Harvey E. Seim, Bob Bacon, Charlie Barans, Madilyn Fletcher, Keith Gates, Rick Jahnke, Edward Kearns, Russ Lea, Mark E. Luther, Christopher N. K. Mooers, Jim Nelson, Dwayne Porter, Lynn K. Shay, Mike Spranger, Jack Thigpen, Robert H. Weisberg, Francisco Werner

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The SouthEast Atlantic Coastal Ocean Observing System (SEA-COOS, is a regional partnership that has initiated an integrated coastal ocean observing system for a four-state (North Carolina, South Carolina, Georgia, and Florida) region of the southeast coastal United States. The long-term intent of SEA-COOS is to establish a regional coastal ocean observing system that will be part of the coastal component of the national Integrated Ocean Observing System (IOOS) envisioned by Ocean.US. SEA-COOS was initiated in September, 2002 with funding from the Office of Naval Research (ONR) as a coordinating and enhancing effort between several existing subregional-scale efforts in the southeast, the Sea Grant Offices from the four states, and a number of federal agencies. This article briefly describes the essential elements of an observing system, the region-wide observations, overlapping circulation models, data management capabilities, and outreach and education activities of SEA-COOS, at present and planned for the coming year. Development of a governance system has also been pursued, and an initial structure is in place for SEA-COOS.

Original languageAmerican English
JournalMarine Technology Society Journal
StatePublished - Oct 1 2003

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