Something's Gotta Give: Is there a Future for the Collection Development Policy

Matt Torrence, Audrey Powers, Megan Sheffield

Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review


Many libraries and library types utilize collection development policies as the standard for guiding the content and format of current and future collections. While these documents retain value as a summary of departmental desires and acquisitions planning, the multidisciplinary nature of teaching and publishing may be diminishing their use and effectiveness as a means of disseminating library intent. The on-demand nature of new purchase and approval plans, along with the advent of patron-driven acquisitions, has affected much of the ability to engage in the same year-to-year planning best complemented by the traditional collection development policy. If these policies are to remain the standard, or part of a continuing comprehensive collections plan, they must be relevant, available, and understandable in the context of the entire process.
Original languageAmerican English
JournalProceedings of the 2011 Charleston Library Conference
StatePublished - 2012


  • Library and Information Science

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