Special collections and the new web: Using LibGuides to provide meaningful access

Barbara Lewis, Melanie Griffin

Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review


Librarians have long struggled to find user-friendly mediums to provide meaningful information to patrons; using bibliographies, pathfinders, and subject guides with varying degrees of success. Content management systems, such as Springshare’s LibGuides, have recently been developed to facilitate the creation of online subject guides. Special Collections units also struggle with this issue. This article examines how special collections are presented on the Web, the use of LibGuides for special collections, and how the use of LibGuides is facilitating the goal to provide information in a meaningful way by Special & Digital Collections at the University of South Florida Tampa Library.

Original languageAmerican English
JournalJournal of Electronic Resources Librarianship
StatePublished - Jan 2011


  • LibGuides
  • special collections
  • digital collections
  • online exhibits
  • subject guides


  • Library and Information Science

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