Stimulant medication and the social interactions of hyperactive children: Effects and implications.

Stephen P. Hinshaw, James P. McHale

Research output: Chapter in Book/Report/Conference proceedingChapter


Excerpt: "In our review of the effects of stimulants on social behavior, we will be asking whether, and to what extent, these drugs alter the social functioning of the hyperactive child. We will focus on hyperactive children's social interactions in three major domains: classrooms, families, and peer environments ....A particular focus of this chapter will be the reciprocal effects of stimulants on the behaviors and perceptions of the significant others with whom hyperactive children interact--namely teachers, parents, and peers..." (p.230).

Original languageAmerican English
Title of host publicationStimulant medication and the social interactions of hyperactive children: Effects and implications.
StatePublished - Jan 1 1991


  • Psychology

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