TephraProb: A Matlab Package for Probabilistic Hazard Assessments of Tephra Fallout

Sébastien Biass, Costanza Bonadonna, Laura J. Connor, Charles B. Connor

Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review


TephraProb is a toolbox of Matlab functions designed to produce scenario–based probabilistic hazard assessments for ground tephra accumulation based on the Tephra2 model. The toolbox includes a series of graphical user interfaces that collect, analyze and pre–process input data, create distributions of eruption source parameters based on a wide range of probabilistic eruption scenarios, run Tephra2 using the generated input scenarios and provide results as exceedence probability maps, probabilistic isomass maps and hazard curves. We illustrate the functionality of TephraProb using the 2011 eruption of Cordón Caulle volcano (Chile) and selected eruptions of La Fossa volcano (Vulcano Island, Italy). The range of eruption styles captured by these two events highlights the potential of TephraProb as an operative tool when rapid hazard assessments are required during volcanic crises.

Original languageAmerican English
JournalJournal of Applied Volcanology
StatePublished - Aug 1 2016


  • Probabilistic hazard assessment
  • Eruption scenarios
  • Tephra
  • Ash
  • Stochastic
  • Operational tool


  • Earth Sciences

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