The Coastal Ocean Circulation Influence on the 2018 West Florida Shelf emK. brevis/em Red Tide Bloom

Robert H. Weisberg, Yonggang Liu, Chad Lembke, Chuanmin Hu, Katherine Hubbard, Matthew Garrett, Robert H. Weisburg, Mathew Garrett

Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review


Blooms of the harmful alga, Karenia brevis on the west Florida continental shelf are thought to initiate offshore before manifesting as a nuisance along the coastline. Contributing to such blooms are a complex sequence of events occurring within oligotrophic waters, which in any given year may or may not be facilitated by the ocean circulation. Once initiation occurs, the delivery from the region of offshore origination to the region of coastline manifestation requires an upwelling circulation, whereby K . brevis cells are advected shoreward along the bottom. The 2018 K. brevis bloom was particularly intense owing to cells from the preceding 2017 bloom being reinforced by a newly formed bloom in 2018, a year when the offshore conditions in spring through early summer were again favorable for bloom development. As an event response to determine the potential for new cells to be delivered to the shore, a glider was deployed from 24 August 2018 to 17 September 2018 with a track line designed to map water properties over the hypothesized initiation region. The coastal ocean circulation during the deployment interval was generally upwelling favorable, but the passage of Tropical Storm Gordon temporarily disrupted this flow, after which K . brevis appeared along the Florida Panhandle coast. Strong upwelling then reestablished and K . brevis was subsequently observed along Florida's east coast. We describe the glider deployment, the K . brevis observations, and we use a numerical circulation model to account for the K. brevis manifestation as occurred along Florida's west, Panhandle, and east coasts.

Original languageAmerican English
JournalJournal of Geophysical Research: Oceans
StatePublished - Apr 1 2019


  • K. brevis HABs
  • 2018 red tide bloom
  • offshore initiation
  • coastline manifestation
  • Lagrangian tracking


  • Life Sciences
  • Marine Biology

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