The comparison of preferences and attitudes toward mathematics between middle grade children and their teachers.

W. Steve Lang, Robert A. Martin, Dorothy L. Moore, James F. Strickland

Research output: Contribution to conferencePresentation


Several questions were addressed in this research effort. In particular, what is the relative preference for mathematics compared to other subjects in grades four through seven; does relative preference for mathematics change from grade to grade; and what is the relationship of mathematics preference overall attitude towards mathematics? Can teachers predict their students preferences for mathematics? Results revealed that academic preferences of students did change over time. In contrast to relative preference, attitude measured by Likert scale did not change over the grades four through seven. Teachers’ responses did not have any meaningful relationship to the preferences of students.

Original languageAmerican English
StatePublished - Jan 1 1992


  • Mathematics education
  • Student attitudes
  • Middle schools


  • Education

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