The Florida Community College Statewide Collection Assessment Project: Outcomes and Impact

Anna H. Perrault, Tina Adams, Jeannie Dixon, Rhonda Smith

Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review


A collection assessment project was conducted in 1998 of the twenty-eight community college library/Library Resource Center (LRC) collections in Florida.1 The evaluative materials provided to each of the institutions produced a number of outcomes. To assess the project’s impact, a survey was conducted in fall 2000. The impact study found that, in the opinion of library administrators, the Florida Community College Collection Assessment study had influenced the appropriation of additional funds, informed librarians’ collection development decisions, and affected the weeding of collections through the presentation of institution-specific collection assessment reports that were provided for each library. The major finding of the impact study was that the additional funding for community college library acquisitions, passed by the Florida legislature in 1999, was not wholly successful in the revamping of outdated book collections because many of the Florida community college libraries received only part or none of the funding. The utilization of the project data, the findings of the impact study, and other follow-up to the project are reported in this article.

Original languageAmerican English
JournalCollege & Research Libraries
StatePublished - May 2002


  • Florida
  • Community College
  • Collection


  • Library and Information Science

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