The iEvaluate OSD guidelines and exemplars: A disability services evaluation tool.

Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review


Program evaluation is rapidly becoming the norm in higher education and this includes disability services. Postsecondary institutions increasingly encourage disability service programs to demonstrate accountability specified through appropriate benchmarks. However, professionals in disability service offices typically report that while they understand and value the need to evaluate their programming, they are often too overwhelmed with the daily needs of individual students to find the time to engage in program evaluation (Goodin, Parker, Shaw, & McGuire, 2004). Experts in service provision for students with disabilities at the postsecondary level were asked to participate in a study that would culminate in an assessment tool for the purpose of evaluating a disability services office. The outcome of the study is the iEvaluate OSD assessment instrument. Included as an appendix is an iEvaluate OSD evaluation form that can be reproduced free of charge for office evaluation purposes.

Original languageAmerican English
JournalDefault journal
StatePublished - Jan 1 2011


  • Disabilities
  • Postsecondary education


  • Education

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