The information technology model curriculum.

Eydie Lawson, Han Reichgelt, Barry M. Lunt, Joseph J. Ekstrom, Reza Kamali, Jacob R. Miller, Sandra Gorka, Johannes (Han) Reichgelt

Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review


The last twenty years has seen the development of demand for a new type of computing professional, which has resulted in the emergence of the academic discipline of Information Technology (IT). Numerous colleges and universities across the country and abroad have responded by developing programs without the advantage of an existing model for guidance. Efforts to define a model curriculum for IT began at the first Conference on Information Technology curriculum (CITC-1) in December 2001, which included representatives from 15 IT programs at four-year universities across the United States. Membership in SIGITE (Special Interest Group Information Technology Education) has grown to over 300 representing most of the four-year IT programs in the United States and abroad and many of the two-year IT programs in the United States. Continued development of the curriculum and subsequent funding by the Education Board of ACM enabled the completion of a first draft of the model curriculum for IT establishing program outcomes and a body of knowledge defining the discipline. This paper presents an overview of the results of that process

Original languageAmerican English
JournalDefault journal
StatePublished - Jan 1 2006


  • Information technology
  • Curriculum
  • Information systems
  • Computer science


  • Business

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