The kindness of strangers : Philanthropy and higher education.

Research output: Book/ReportBook


In The Kindness of Strangers, Deni Elliott examines ethically questionable situations that have arisen in response to institutional dependency on external benefactors. Major concerns analyzed include: The increased professionalism of fundraising and of donating, an increased willingness of institutions to cater to the demands of donors, creation of dual roles for faculty, students and staff when they are fundraisers and donors in addition to playing their primary roles in higher education, business-university research partnerships that put business values in conflict of academic values and mission, commercialization of student athletics, and endowment use and investment. Supplemented by a series of carefully selected articles, The Kindness of Strangers needs to be read by anyone who is concerned by higher education's increasing dependency on corporate and individual donors.

Original languageAmerican English
StatePublished - Jan 1 2006


  • Ethics
  • Education, Higher--United States--Finance
  • Educational fund raising--United States
  • Endowments--United States


  • Ethics and Political Philosophy
  • Journalism Studies

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